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Homeowners Insurance

Get the Florida Homeowners Insurance coverage you want from Naples to Sarasota at a price that makes sense.

Goodlad & Swank has partnered with top-rated insurance companies writing homeowner insurance coverage

We insure Naples, Fort Myers, Cape Coral, Sarasota, and other Southwest Florida areas for primary homes, secondary and seasonal homes, condo units, as well as property you own and rent to others. We are committed to providing transparency when quoting your home and can explain the differences in companies and coverage so that you can make an educated decision. You will get the coverage you need at a price that fits your budget. 

Black parents making symbolic roof of hands above their children

Protect the space you call your own

Goodlad & Swank Insurance provides the local community with expert home, flood, automotive, business, HOA, and life insurance. Goodlad & Swank actively seeks to master the products they offer and aims to provide customers with the highest level of client service found in the Florida insurance marketplace.  

Why do you need homeowners insurance?

Homeowners insurance protects your home and possessions in the event of a covered disaster, such as fire, wind damage, or theft. It also provides liability coverage if someone is injured on your property. A standard homeowners policy covers dwelling protection, personal property protection, liability protection, and medical payments to others.

Most mortgage lenders require proof of insurance before they’ll provide a loan. Even if you’re not required to have homeowners insurance, it’s still a good idea to have coverage in case of an unforeseen event.

A home is usually the biggest purchase you’ll ever make, so it’s important to safeguard it against any potential risks. Homeowners’ insurance can give you peace of mind, knowing that your home and possessions are protected in the event of a covered disaster.

The purpose of you having home insurance is to transfer risk to the insurance company. You pay them an agreed amount each policy term. In return, they agree to cover economic damages up to the maximum limit of coverage described in your policy. Most people cannot afford to go without home insurance. Losing your home to a fire or hurricane would be a nightmare. Knowing you’re covered in a disaster because you’ve transferred that risk to the insurance company gives you peace of mind.

What are typical coverage limits?


Coverage TypeTypical Coverage Limit
Dwelling CoverageSufficient to rebuild the home in case of damage or destruction caused by covered perils such as fire, hail, windstorm, vandalism, etc.
Other StructuresUsually a percentage of the dwelling coverage, typically 10% to 20%. Covers structures on the property that are not attached to the main dwelling, like sheds, detached garages, fences, etc.
Personal PropertyTypically 50% to 70% of the dwelling coverage limit. Covers personal belongings such as furniture, clothing, appliances, electronics, etc., against covered perils.
Loss of UseTypically 20% of the dwelling coverage limit. Covers additional living expenses if the home becomes uninhabitable due to a covered peril, such as temporary accommodation, meals, etc.
Personal LiabilityTypically $100,000 to $500,000. Provides coverage if you’re found legally responsible for injuries or damages to someone else’s property, or if someone is injured on your property and you’re liable.
Medical PaymentsTypically $1,000 to $5,000. Covers medical expenses if someone is injured on your property, regardless of who is at fault.


How are rates determined?

Homeowners insurance rates are determined through a complex process that takes into account various factors related to the homeowner, the property, and the surrounding environment. Here’s a thorough overview of the key factors that influence homeowners insurance rates:

Property Characteristics:
  1. Location:

    • The location of the property is a significant factor in determining insurance rates.
    • Insurers assess risks associated with the region’s climate, weather patterns, and proximity to natural disaster-prone areas such as coastal regions or earthquake zones.
    • Properties located in areas prone to hurricanes, tornadoes, wildfires, floods, or earthquakes typically have higher insurance rates due to increased risk exposure.

  2. Construction and Age of the Home:

    • The construction materials, age, and condition of the home affect insurance rates.
    • Homes built with sturdy materials such as brick or concrete tend to have lower rates compared to those constructed with wood, which is more susceptible to fire damage.
    • Older homes may have outdated electrical, plumbing, or heating systems, increasing the risk of damage and potential insurance claims.

  3. Home Value and Replacement Cost:

    • The value and replacement cost of the home are key factors in determining insurance rates.
    • Higher-valued homes and those with expensive features or customizations typically require higher coverage limits, resulting in higher premiums.
    • Insurers consider factors such as square footage, number of rooms, and the quality of construction materials when assessing replacement costs.

Policyholder Characteristics:
  1. Insurance History:

    • The homeowner’s insurance claim history and credit score play a significant role in determining rates.
    • A history of frequent or costly insurance claims may result in higher premiums, as it suggests a higher risk of future claims.
    • Insurers may also consider the homeowner’s credit score, as individuals with higher credit scores are perceived as lower-risk policyholders.

  2. Claims History:

    • Prior insurance claims filed by the homeowner or previous claims associated with the property impact insurance rates.
    • A history of multiple claims or claims related to significant property damage may lead to higher premiums.

Coverage Options and Deductibles:
  1. Coverage Limits:

    • The coverage limits selected by the homeowner influence insurance rates.
    • Higher coverage limits provide greater protection but also result in higher premiums.
    • Homeowners can adjust coverage limits based on their individual needs and risk tolerance.

  2. Deductibles:

    • The deductible amount chosen by the homeowner affects insurance rates.
    • A higher deductible means the homeowner pays more out of pocket before insurance coverage kicks in, resulting in lower premiums.
    • Homeowners should balance deductible amounts with their ability to afford out-of-pocket expenses in the event of a claim.

Additional Factors:
  1. Discounts and Credits:

    • Insurance companies may offer discounts or credits for various factors such as installing security systems, smoke detectors, or impact-resistant roofing.
    • Homeowners may also qualify for discounts based on their loyalty to the insurance company, bundling multiple policies, or maintaining a claims-free history.

  2. Market Conditions:

    • Market conditions, including trends in insurance claims, natural disasters, and regulatory changes, can influence insurance rates.
    • Insurers adjust rates periodically to reflect changes in risk exposure and market dynamics.

Overall, homeowners insurance rates are determined based on a combination of property-specific characteristics, policyholder factors, coverage options, and market conditions. Insurers assess these factors to calculate premiums that adequately reflect the risks associated with insuring the property while providing appropriate coverage for the homeowner’s needs.

What we cover:

Dwelling Coverage

Provides funds to replace or repair the structure when damage is caused due to a covered peril.

Replacement Cost

This will replace your personal belongings with like kind and quality

Actual Cash Value

Replacement cost less depreciation.

Medical Expense

May pay for non-residents injuries that you are legally responsible for.

Loss of Use

This coverage can provide financial assistance to you while your home is being repaired and is unlivable as a result of a covered loss.

Personal Liability

May protect you, your spouse, and resident relatives under age 21 for claims you’re legally obligated to pay resulting from things such as injury, sickness, disease, and death. The coverage may also include the cost of defending claims against you.

Why choose Goodlad & Swank to protect your home?

Looking for reliable protection for your most cherished investment? Look no further than Goodlad and Swank Home Insurance. Our policies are crafted with your peace of mind in mind. Picture this: a comprehensive shield against unforeseen disasters, safeguarding not just your home but your sense of security too. With Goodlad and Swank, you’re not just purchasing insurance; you’re investing in trust, reliability, and a promise to protect what matters most to you.

What sets Goodlad and Swank apart in the realm of home insurance is our unwavering commitment to personalized service. We understand that every home is unique, carrying its own set of risks and vulnerabilities. That’s why our team works tirelessly to tailor solutions that fit your specific needs like a glove. Whether it’s coverage for natural calamities, theft, or structural damages, we’ve got you covered. Our goal is not just to sell insurance but to build lasting relationships with our clients, ensuring that you feel supported and secure every step of the way.

Beyond the security of knowing you’re covered, choosing Goodlad and Swank Home Insurance means gaining access to a network of support and resources designed to make your homeowner journey as seamless as possible. From streamlined claims processing to expert advice on risk mitigation, we’re here to empower you to make informed decisions about your property. Don’t leave the protection of your home to chance. Join the countless homeowners who have entrusted Goodlad and Swank for their insurance needs and experience the difference today.

Important Considerations

Homeowners’ insurance laws and regulations are constantly changing. It is important to know what is and what isn’t covered in your policies. Here are some additional options to consider:

Jewelry, Guns, Fine Art Collections. Let’s face it, every home contains items that would interest a burglar. Family heirlooms or just that giant 80” TV on the wall can be covered. Be sure to let our representatives know if you have high-dollar items. There are limits to the amount offered on this coverage so it’s important to detail what you have. Sometimes we can build a list outlining all of the items and in certain cases, we can write you a special policy called a Personal Articles Policy to provide the proper coverage amounts.

Flood Coverage. Roughly 30% of flood claims occur in places that are “not in a flood zone”. This coverage does NOT come standard with your homeowners’ insurance, so it is important to have in Florida. Essentially, all of Florida is a flood zone with certain areas more prone to flooding than others. Also, keep in mind that if you are in certain flood zones banks require this coverage. It’s important to check with an agent to determine pricing before buying a home. The cost of the policy could be so high that it affects your DTI (debt to income) and a house that was affordable without it is now outside of your price range.

Equipment Breakdown.  TVs, HVAC systems, and other appliances break down or are damaged. For a low yearly charge, you can be covered. It is a nice feeling to know you will not be responsible for hundreds or even thousands of dollars in repairs.

Identity Theft. Many carriers offer this at a low cost to provide you with identity theft protection. The world gets more complicated every day, and this is a smart, and cheap way, to protect yourself from online dangers.

Water Damage. Storms can cause water damage to your home. Leaking pipes also cause problems. Be sure to check that your Fort Myers homeowners insurance policy has adequate coverage for water damage. The age of your home is also hugely important here. You will likely start facing coverage restrictions if your house is over 30 years old. There are options for a partial or full buyback of this important coverage, but only certain carriers offer that. Please call us to review your options.

The team at Goodlad & Swank Insurance works hard every day to offer the most coverage for your money. We strive to offer only the most competitive and thorough rates of any insurance agency in the great State of Florida. Your home is your castle, and we will work with you to provide ways to make your most important investment safer secure. Contact us today to get started.



What homeowners
insurance covers

Your Home (Dwelling Coverage)
A hurricane eats your roof. A BBQ accident goes awry and burns your back porch and living room. Someone throws a chair through a slider, steals some belongings and trashes your house while you’re relaxing in Islamorada on vacation. In any of these situations, you’ll be happy to took the time to get home insurance. Most basic homeowner’s insurance policies include dwelling coverage which covers the cost to repair or rebuild due to damage such as:
  • Hurricanes or Windstorms
  • Fire
  • Hail
  • Lightning
  • Theft
  • Vandalism
In Florida home insurance usually does cover hurricane wind damage but usually doesn’t cover flood damage. For that you’d need a separate policy or possibly an endorsement adding coverage to the home insurance. (Endorsement means a change to the policy) Also, if you do have hurricane coverage the deductible is usually separate from and higher than the deductible for the other potential risks.

Other Structures Coverage

This coverage is for things like a shed, gazebo, swimming pool, detached garage or backyard fence on your property. With other structures coverage, your policy will cover a percentage of the Dwelling Coverage — it’s typically around 10% so if you have items listed above and they are higher value it is important to share that with your agent. A $350,000 house would have $35,000 of Other Structures coverage in a normal policy.

Keep in mind it would be nice to have this coverage on your property for the things that might not be part of your primary dwelling, but would still incur an expense to replace if they sustained damage. Bear in mind additional coverage is also available for more complex structures like a pool house or guest house. Let your agent know so we can accurately calculate the coverage amounts.

Personal Property

If it’s the dry season and a wildfire in the neighborhood burns your house to the ground, you’ll need help replacing things beyond just your house. What about that new sofa you love so much? Or that amazing 80” Sony TV needs to watch The Mandalorian? That is barely scratching the surface. You would need new clothes, new cups, new China, a new cooler, new chairs…. I’m running out of C words, but you get the point.

This coverage protects your possessions inside your house that help make it a house. On thing else to keep in mind is that expensive items like art and jewelry are covered but there is usually a dollar limit on them. If you have these it might be worth looking into a Personal Items Policy which is designed to cover such items.

Liability Coverage

Liability insurance covers you against any lawsuits for bodily injury or property damage in your home. This coverage will pay for legal representation and could also cover damages you’ve been deemed responsible for in court.

Personal liability insurance provides coverage for you, your home, and your guests in the event of an accident or bodily injury. Legally, you are the responsible party for damages and medical payments if a guest in your home is injured, regardless of the accidental nature of the event. You might also be liable for accidents that occur away from your property if your family is the cause, or if family members who live with you are responsible. Personal liability protection covers legal defense costs and damages if you are sued and also applicable medical payments.


Additional Living Expenses

We had clients suffer major damage to their houses from Hurricane Irma. The Additional Living Expense covers the cost of hotel bills and restaurants bills while you’re forced to stay away from home until things are fixed.

It is meant to help you pay for costs over and above your usual living expenses you take on while your home gets rebuilt or repaired. One client had a big pine tree basically cut his house in half. He was quite happy this coverage allowed him to maintain a decent quality of life while the contractor got busy.


What homeowners
insurance does not cover


When the water start rising, hopefully you are in a safe place and have flood insurance in place. This is because standard home insurance policies do not cover flood damage to your home. If you live in a designated flood zone, you should have a flood insurance policy and also a home insurance policy. If you live in a preferred flood risk area there is still a chance of flooding – 30% of claims come from non-flood zones. The preferred risk policies are very reasonable – typically around $450 annually for $250,000 in coverage.


I get it. We live in Florida and who worries about earthquakes? The answer is not many people and there are very few annually and most occur in the Panhandle. Regardless, they do happen and would require a separate policy to cover damages.


Most polices will offer Catastrophic Ground Collapse coverage. This is the coverage that should step up if your house disappears overnight in a hole in the ground. The separate Sinkhole coverage is more for the slow and subtle shifting of the ground beneath your house’s foundation. This often can cause only cosmetic damage that is very costly to repair, so it’s typically not offered. In fact, there are some carriers that might limit all of these coverages if your house is located near a known and active sinkhole area.


Termites, old and peeling roof shingles, leaky water pipes and prior damage are all things home insurance usually won’t cover. Taking steps to maintain your home and showing pride of ownership are important for a number or reasons. Your home is a big investment and should be treated with love and care. The home insurance policy is not designed to cover things that should be the owners responsibility.


We offer discounts!

Are you looking to save on your new insurance policy? Our professionals have the skills to help you get the best rates. Ask us about what we can do to help you save.

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Homeowners Insurance Articles

Exploring Optional Coverage Upgrades

In a world filled with uncertainties, insurance plays a pivotal role in safeguarding our financial well-being and providing a safety net against unexpected events. While...

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Committed to
Serving Our Customers

Goodlad & Swank Insurance is a family-owned insurance agency founded in 2009. We’ve built a team of knowledgeable professionals that value integrity, caring for our clients, and offering you superior service.

We’ve partnered with one of the largest selections of carriers in all of Florida making it easy for you to have a one-stop-shop for all your insurance needs.

An unforeseen event coupled with inadequate insurance can quickly result in financial trouble. We recognize that addressing insurance may not be your idea of fun, but our goal is to make the process as enjoyable as possible. In the end, you may just find yourself letting us know what the grandkids are up to or how the honeymoon went. Get to know us, you’ll be happy you did. 


Our Services

Homeowners Insurance

You can access the top-rated insurance companies in Florida for primary and second homes, condos, and the property you rent to others.

Auto Insurance

You benefit because we’ve partnered with some of the largest, most-respected auto insurance carriers in the industry to provide coverage for cars, motorcycles, motor homes, and recreational vehicles.

Business Insurance

Your business is growing your business. Our business is working to guard you against the risks you face every day. Find out how to protect your business.

Condo Insurance

We work with premium carriers and brokers to offer a full suite of insurance options for residential condominium associations across Southwest Florida.

Flood Insurance

Get protected. Goodlad & Swank offers coverage through the National Flood Insurance Program as well as private flood insurance carriers.

Life Insurance

Protect your legacy. Whether life insurance is for your family or your business we can help you find the right policy at the best possible price.

Satisfied clients

Have been working with Goodlad & Swank agency for five years. Have always been very helpful!

Daniella W.

This is an amazing company to do business with. I have several properties and slowly I have changed all properties to be with Goodlad & Swank Insurance.

Ody O.

Great services. I have been using them for several years now. Thanks team!

Steve C.

Competitive rates and excellent service. Really nice folks to do business with. Highly recommend!

Mike H.

Fast, courteous, professional service with comparable rates. What else do you need?

Len M.

Had one of the best experience ever at this insurance company. You feel like family and everyone here is friendly.

Moises M.

I had a great experience with this Company! I highly recommend! Mary Beck was very helpful, very professional and very quick to respond to my emails.

Tina C.

Have been working with Goodlad & Swank agency for five years. Have always been very helpful and have given us good options to choose from.

Daniella W.

I had some issues with my previous home owners insurance company. David at Goodlad & Swank went above and beyond to try to help me out.

Chandace S.

Excellent customer service, extremely knowledgeable of all insurance needs. I highly recommend this company!

Robin Y.

Went out of their way to be professional and helpful. Would highly recommend this agency.

Carmen C.

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